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Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Midterms complete

I've been meaning to post something for ages, but each time I see something and think "Gee, I should blog about that," it just slips my mind. So here I am, actualling posting something this time.

Well, midterm results are in and I didn't actually fail anything, which is good, I suppose. I did end up dropping Discrete, for lack of time. So far it looks like that is working out for the best; the same amount of time is being spent on courses, except now there is more to spend on cal.

So without further ado:

Calculus 1: %53
Linear Algebra (Vectors + Matrices): %82
System Hardware (Assembly programming): %90
Technical Writing: %50 to %100

%50 is a pass, so I technically passed Calculus. I'm not exactly thrilled with the mark, but it IS a pass, so I'll take it. The mark could have easily been 70 or higher had I simply remembered two very short very simple rules, but I blanked out. Not enough time spent studying, I guess.

As for technical writing, I don't yet know the mark (I'll find out in an hour or two), but I do know I passed. I'm going to guess %70 to %80, and I'll post an update when I find out.

Could be worse I suppose. Good news is I'm not failing anything so far, bad news is I still hate algebraic math like Calculus. I don't mind Linear that much, and assembly programming is great fun.

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