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Friday, September 30, 2005


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Man, Blogger's comment system sucks. I'll just post this as a new post rather than a comment, since Blogger doesn't even have a concept of replies.

You're right, commuting is a huge time commitment for me. I spent between 10 and 15 hours a week commuting (1 to 1.5 hours per direction, twice a day). 10 to 15 hours a week gets a lot of homework done when it is not wasted in a situation where doing most homework is impossible (Try doing calculus with one hand while standing on a bus :P)

Unfortunately moving closer to campus isn't really an option. The money just isn't there. I've saved up a decent chunk of change, but I'm paying for pretty much everything myself, so there is no budget for rent and other living-on-your-own costs.

I was hoping to get more time by taking the train. The idea didn't pan out. While the train gets me downtown faster, it also doesn't get me as close to the campus as the bus... and while I sometimes get seats on the bus, I NEVER get seats on the train. They've got some new double-decker trains going into service (They seem to be very similar to the GO trains) that have double the seating capacity, but I haven't seen any during my morning commutes.

Study groups are an interesting concept, and might be useful for Cal 1, Linear, and Discrete. I'm not certain how to find study groups, though.

I'm not dropping discrete because I'll never be able to do it, only because I don't have time to do it. Think of it this way; if I spend 10 to 15 hours a week commuting (Probably closer to 15 hours), dropping discrete would seem to roughly balance that out.

Man, up to 3 hours a day commuting. It really is a huge waste of time when you think about it.

The money shouldn't worry you. It's very possible for you to obtain low or no interest debt at this point in your life, and that is something you should take EVERY time it is available to you. One dollar now is more valuable to you than one dollar later, so when you're a student and have student assistance programs that provide you with interest free money, you're actually making money. I would really suggest taking out a loan and getting into res, it'll help you a lot. Think of it this way: The extra time you spend going to an extra semester, plus the tuition that costs, will be quite a bit. Consider that an upfront cost in doing this big change. Then, consider the fact that you're going to school to earn big bucks later on; Those future big bucks can help you now. If you end up getting screwed for your education now, it doesn't matter whether you've got money saved or not, you're screwed.
I agree with the comment about the money. You obviously don't want a huge debt when coming out of school, but if you're in co-op you'll probably stop needing the loans after a couple terms because you'll be able to save enough to support the school terms or at the very least be able to drastically reduce the amount you borrow.

Also, in my opinion, living away from home is part of the university learning experience.

As for study groups, if there are formal ones, you can ask your prof and/or TA. For informal ones, just meet some of your classmates and arrange to do homework together.
I also commute to University (15 hours easy per week). If I didnt do that, I could take an extra course.
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